Monthly Archives: October 2012

JennySold Designs at Haverford Township Day This Weekend!

This Saturday, JennySold Designs is going to be at Haverford Township Day, my town’s giant block party on steroids of sorts, at which there will be a parade and about 260 booths worth of craft vendors, flea marketers, and community organizations, along with multiple food vendors, live music and (free!) kid’s activities. I’ll be selling my self-fold pocket totes, scarves, burp cloths, pacifier clips, lap blankets, children’s posters, and some headbands if baby Annie lets me squeeze a few more in. :). A good deal of what I will have that day isn’t going up for sale online until after the event, so if you want to have first crack at some of the goods seen below, come on over in person!

I will be sharing a space with my spiky-haired, comic-strippin’ alien-lovin’ friend Dawn Griffin, creator of Zorphbert & Fred and illustrator for the Abby’s Adventures children’s book series, so come check us out.

Event Information:
Haverford Township Day
October 6, 2012
10:00AM – 4:00PM
Darby Road, between Manoa and Mill Roads
Parade on Eagle and Darby Roads

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Filed under Baby, Crafting, Design/Illustration, Events, For Sale, Sewing